O pior servico que vi online desde sempre.
Para instalar e agendar fiz tudo em 5 minutos, quando chegou a confirmação o dia estava para um data apos a data que eu precisava com a noticia de que eles nao tinham um veiculo disponivel na data desejada. Lógico tentei cancelar, mas nao ha como cancelar atraves do app ou mesmo da website deles. Liguei para o unico telefone que nao funcionava por causa do fuso horario. No outro dia (dia da minha viagem) eles atenderam o telefone dizendo que sentiam muito e iriam cancelar sob uma tarifa 100% do valor do aluguel do carro. Tentei inumeras vezes atraves de e-mails explicar minha situação, e o tempo que perdi somente tentando cancelar aquilo que nunca quis comprar, e sem excessão todas as respostas vieram com o mesmo teor: sentimos muito pelo seu desapontamento e esperamos vê-lo em breve alugando outra vez conosco.
It took few seconds to put it online with and schedule a car, and make the payment.
That should be nice then, right?
The confirmation came right by e-mail saying, that they don’t have any vehicle available in that day that I need, but my schedule was made for the next day.
Of course I tried to cancel the whole operation, guess what? There is no canceling operation available in the app, and in the company website, they had a telephone number that wasn’t working because the time, and so in the next day the operator told me that they have to charge me US$70 as cancelation fee, in other words 100% of the car rent fee. I tried to make it even explain what happen to the persons that answered my e-mails, but no one (I mean, ZERO) of them had a minimum willing to help me, they were simply saying all the e-mail, they are sorry and hope to see me renting from them again...
Fábiof about Rentalcars.com Car rental App, v3.1.4